ABS Payroll - Indonesia

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Calculating & Printing 1721 Forms PDF Print

PLEASE VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE: https://abspayroll.co.id

This is the most accurate, reliable and easy way to Calculate Pph21 and Printing SPT Tahunan 1721A1 & 1721A in compliance with the latest tax rule :
All You have to do is :

  1. Prepare your Payroll data in Excel format.
  2. Email the data to us.
  3. Within 24 hours , 1721A1 and 1721A will be printed and deliver to you for signing.

No other way will be faster, better, easier and more accurate than the ABS way !

Trust your SPT Tahunan to the Professional Team as We are.


For more information Call: (021)392 5142, 392 4424 Ext. 100, 222

PLEASE VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE: https://abspayroll.co.id